Foundling - Tanner Street, Bermondsey 1893

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Foundling - Tanner Street, Bermondsey 1893

Postby Dopo11 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:14 pm


Not sure if I'm posting in the right place so forgive me if I'm not.

I'm doing some research into my family tree. My great-grandfather lived in Bermondsey all of his childhood before moving to Wales in his 20s. He was a foundling and was abandoned (I don't intend for that word to sound judgmental because it was a much different time) on the doorstep of the Simmons Perambulator Factory around December of 1893. The owners of the Simmons and Co took him in and raised him. They didn't give him their name and never formally adopted him but they did raise him.

My great-grandfather was given the surname of Tanner, after the street he was found on. My great-grandfather lived a long life and served in WWI in India and was decorated for his service.

Its a long shot, but I'd love to try and learn something about his biological family. Or even his adopted one. If anyone would be able to help me with my research I would appreciate it no end.

Thanks a lot :)

ducati dad
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Re: Foundling - Tanner Street, Bermondsey 1893

Postby ducati dad » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:45 pm

Interesting read here.. don't if it helps...
http://bermondseyphotographs.blogspot.c ... ators.html

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Re: Foundling - Tanner Street, Bermondsey 1893

Postby kiwi » Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:07 am

Hi Dopo11, welcome to the site. Not sure if it will help but if you go to the Tanner Street Topic on site there is information on Simmons & Co. Cheers Kiwi.

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