Living in the Blitz

Lest we forget
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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Mon May 01, 2023 2:31 am

Whitecross Street - WW2 - Blitz on London Date c1943. This is now called Ayres Street, Borough.
Whitecross Street - WW2 - Blitz on London Date c1943. This is now Ayres Street, Borough.  1 X..png

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Mon May 22, 2023 10:47 pm

One of some 2000 taxis converted for World War II fire brigade.  X..png
One of some 2000 taxis converted for World War II fire brigade.

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Thu May 25, 2023 3:26 am

Petrol ration books were issued monthly and the volume of motor spirit on offer depended on the horsepower of an individual vehicle. This ration book belonged to the owner of an eight-nine horsepower vehicle and subsequently contains coupons for two " units", i.e. two gallons.
Petrol Ration Book,1939, WW2.   X..png
Petrol Ration Book,1939, WW2.  1  X..png

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Sat May 27, 2023 3:59 am

Surrey Commercial Docks, Blitz WW2. A burnt-out cargo ship in the Surrey Commercial Docks, Rotherhithe.  Firefighters continue to damp down hot-spots of fire within the ship.  X..png
Surrey Commercial Docks, Blitz WW2. A burnt-out cargo ship in the Surrey Commercial Docks, 1940.
Surrey Commercial Docks, the Blitz 1940, the remains of a warehouse.  X..png
Surrey Commercial Docks, the Blitz 1940, the remains of a warehouse.

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:02 am

Awards for Brave Bermondsey Scouts. Mass Presentation of Gallant Awards, at Manor Mission, Galleywall Road.
Scouts who received the Silver Cross. Left to right Ernest Joseph Burgess, Cubmaster William C. Lench, Leonard (Nick) Murray, Charles Norris (Patrol Leader), George Francis Winmill and Eric Young, 1941.
Scouts who received the Silver Cross. Left to right Ernest Joseph Burgess, Cubmaster William C. Lench, Leonard (Nick) Murray, Charles Norris (Patrol Leader), George Francis Winmill and Eric Young, 1941.  X.png

Posts: 5066
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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:20 am

Bermondsey Wall--The Blitz 1944. Firefighters in action with fire engines and hosepipes at Chambers Wharf.  X..png
Bermondsey Wall--The Blitz 1944. Firefighters in action with fire engines and hosepipes at Chambers Wharf.

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:59 pm

WW2, Private Ted Saunders of the 2nd Army out shopping with his wife Margaret in Bermondsey while on leave,1945.   X..png
Private Ted Saunders of the 2nd Army out shopping with his wife Margaret in Bermondsey while on leave during WW1, 1945.

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:19 pm

Camberwell Road Tram Depot air-raid damage.
Camberwell Road Tram Depot bomb damage,1940.   X..png
Bomb damage,1940.
Camberwell Road, air-raid damage to the tram depot, caused by a flying bomb, c1944.   X..png
Damage caused by a flying bomb, c1944.

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Sat May 18, 2024 3:22 am

Evacuees and local children at Hassocks. Sheila Catt (Clarke) third from the right (back), her brother is front centre. Evacuation Day — Friday 1st September 1939, WW2. Sheila Catt (nee Clarke) was from Bermondsey.
Evacuee from Bermondsey  X.jpg
Evacuee from Bermondsey.

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Re: Living in the Blitz

Postby kiwi » Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:42 am

World War Two, London, 10th, September 1942. Young child Brian Lee wearing his RAF uniform, studies the evacuation label on a model evacuee, Alice King aged 5, from Rotherhithe.
World War Two, London, 10th, September 1942. Young child Brian Lee wearing his RAF uniform, studies the evacuation label on a model evacuee, Alice King aged 5, from Rotherhithe.    X..png

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