Hi Patricia, sorry I have taken so long to answer, been away, 50th Wedding Anniversary, it would be nice if your Nanny Lou was in the photo. The name Acott does ring a-bell and you can bet he knew my Uncle Stan, coming from Leroy Street and working at the Borough Market,where Stan collected his fruit & Veg for their stall in Tower Bridge Road. I’m not sure when your Nan Lou became friends with my Nan Kate but I have just found out my Nan lived in Marcia Road in 1901, which I think would have made her about 18 or 19, maybe it could have been in that area they met??
No my wife is from Forest Gate. I do try and wind her up, by saying that she is more an Essex girl than a Londoner, not that it works. We actually met in Southend when she was living there and I was on a day out with the lads (1959).
Nice to hear your Aunt will be thrilled with the photos & say hello to her from me.