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Postby bermondseyboy » Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:17 pm

Please could you make sure that any new Topics created do not already exist.

We are also experiencing the same Photos being used in Posts, although on occasions this may be OK! if we can avoid this the better?

If you spot any Topics that have been duplicated or should be merged with another please message me.

If you have any concerns please let me know


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Re: Topics

Postby bermondseyboy » Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:21 pm

Hi All

The Lefora site has now been closed :lol:
Please do not copy anymore posts from Lefora site to the new site as it is getting confusing.
I feel it is time to cut all links with Lefora and continue with our new Bermondseyboy site.

Many thanks

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Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:37 pm

Duplicating posts and pictures

Postby bermondseyboy » Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:05 pm

As you may have noticed some changes are taking place.
One of the main concerns is duplicating posts and pictures.

I have now realised that the PUBS, SCHOOLS, CINEMAS AND CHURCHES categories may have been a mistake.
At the time i thought was a good idea.

Example: Under Pubs...THE Vic pages walk
Under Pages Walk....The Vic

Same photos different topic? this goes on throughout the site.

This is entirely my fault, but feel we should sort this out before it goes to far.
My idea is to put all the Pubs, schools, cinemas and churches under the Roads/streets that they are in.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please reply with your comments it will be much appreciated.


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Re: Topics

Postby paperboy » Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:08 am

Don't go beating yourself up over an issue which the best minds on the planet have never satisfactorily resolved. The best solution that has so far been found is tagging (each image or thread or post is tagged with keywords and these are used to create pages which display topics which could be of interest to a reader who has declared a topic to investigate). This is expensive software and wholly unnecessary for what the Bermondsey Boy site does, which is why it doesn't do it.

If you look at forums on other sites you'll find exactly the same problem. The WW1 forum has soldiers listed, regiments listed, campaigns listed, military hardware listed, casualties listed etc etc - so where should an image go of a tank crew who were all killed at Verdun? Would that be under the individual soldiers, the tank regiment, Western Front, Verdun, tanks, lists of the dead etc etc?

Is it important to the reader to have a taxonomy which exactly matches the reader's thought process? The answer is of course, yes. The problem is of course, that no two readers have the same thought process. If you can solve this simply and cheaply using the tools available on this site then I'd suggest you patent it before telling anybody else because it would be worth a fortune.

Whichever taxonomy you decide upon will not work for everybody but should be the one which is most acceptable. The one you currently adopt works fine if readers are prepared to look through the topics for elements which interest them. This works for me and the fact that the same image or issue can turn up in more than one place isn't a shortcoming worth worrying about. People will use the site in a manner in which they feel most comfortable and most have learnt that different websites they access have slightly different structures, so they adapt. They also understand (even if they've not stopped and really thought about it) the problem of multi-topic postings.

I do think that the placing of buildings and institutions and companies under the road heading has a high degree of logic about it. After all, we are used to thinking in terms of addresses and postal addresses have been around for years. It won't be perfect and the shortcomings will need to be lived with. If you think there is enough value in doing all this for the taxonomy you'd like to see, then it's worth doing - and doing sooner rather than later. Somehow, the user will need to be made aware that this is a structure that they need to understand before venturing into the site.

The only thing I'm missing (probably because I've not looked hard enough) is a list of the most recent postings to save wandering through all the topics. I'm aware of the topic logo colour change, but is there anything else that meets this need?

I'm not sure how helpful this was but I didn't want you spending hours looking for a perfect solution that doesn't exist.

Power to your elbow (or keyboard).


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Re: Topics

Postby bermondseyboy » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:46 pm

Hi Paperboy

Thank you for your comments, and what a lot of sense it all makes.
I feel i am over thinking the problems we are getting, i just did not want the site to go down the same road as the Lefora site which was getting confusing and muddled.

Perhaps it's coming from Bermondsey that i don't like giving up and i don't like being beat, :evil: but as you say the site will never be perfect and of course we will always get double postings and repeated pictures.

At the moment i don't think there is a way of identifying recent posts as such but when someone posts in a Topic, that Topic should go to the top of the list, so if you need to view recent posts it should be at the top.


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Posts: 233
Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:37 pm

Re: Topics

Postby bermondseyboy » Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:49 pm

bermondseyboy wrote:Hi All

The Lefora site has now been closed :lol:
Please do not copy anymore posts from Lefora site to the new site as it is getting confusing.
I feel it is time to cut all links with Lefora and continue with our new Bermondseyboy site.

Many thanks

On the request of some Members i have opened up the Lefora site for reference purposes.
If you copy a post over from Lefora to the new site please make sure it makes sense?
If the post you are copying refers to another post or answering a question from another post it may not make sense when on the new site?


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