simondeboot wrote:Just to let any Londoners know that there is a pie and mash shop on Rochester high street that is as good as Manzes, when living in London my favorite pie shop was Manzes in Deptford high street but I would recommend the one in Rochester.
Hi simondeboot, welcome to the site and thank you for the information. I gather you mean the Cathedral Pie House? Have been in there and you are right smashing Pie & Mash, but then living in New Zealand any P&M shop is good.
Always went to Joyces P&M in Tower Bridge Road not Manzes, my preference and not because it was any better.
As a Londoner and you have recommended it, I’m quite happy to make the journey if you pay for the flight, then I will pay for the P&M and maybe a pint in The Queen Charlotte Pub or The Eagle to wash it down.